KPYM is home to a new Flight 1 Tech simulator! Flight 1 Tech has heard your recommendations and revamped everyone’s favorite Cirrus simulator. It’s new, it’s sleek, it’s almost an exact replica of the SR Perspective+ model flight deck and most importantly, it has a working CAPS handle. This SIM is coming soon to KBED as well!
Our Flight 1 Tech simulator is a Cirrus specific simulator created to replicate the G6 platform in the SR20, SR22 or SR22T cockpit. We took great care in choosing our simulator – as we wanted it to be a platform that mimics the airplane closely.
The first thing you’ll notice about this sim is the physical framework – it’s just like a real Cirrus with fully functional buttons, knobs, switches, side yoke, PFD, MFD, autopilot panel, audio panel, throttle, mixture and much more.
The view out the window includes more than 24,900 airports, a modifiable real-time weather system, continuous time of day, seasons, and a variety of lighting effects.
The sim provides a great platform to do so many things that cannot be replicated in the air. It also allows the instructor and pilot to slow down (or pause) what may happen quickly in the airplane.
Our instructor can present scenarios that require the pilot to think about what to do and do so in a safe, controlled environment. For example, what do you do on take off when you get a low oil pressure light just as you are entering the clouds and being asked to change a frequency to talk to another controlling agency. Is it better to stay below the clouds or is it better to continue ahead – the answer is, it depends. We can do this scenario with differing conditions that require the pilot to actually aviate and think about what a proper response is.
This Flight 1Tech simulator has received FAA AATD* approval so you can log your hours toward your private, instrument, and commercial rating and maintain IFR proficiency. (*AATD - Advanced Aviation Training Device)